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Birthday Wishes For 3rd Birthday From Mom

Last updated onMay 31, 2024

In the developmental path of a baby, every birthday represents another year of growth for the baby and also marks a step forward in the journey of life. When a baby turns three, it is not only a time to celebrate the growth of the child, but also a time for the family to express their love and best wishes for the child's future. In this “Birthday Wishes For 3rd Birthday From Mom” article, we will compile a mom's birthday wishes for her child's third birthday.

Birthday Wishes For 3rd Birthday

Birthday Wishes For 3rd Birthday

1. Singing for your birthday, wishing for your future, Happy 3rd Birthday!

2. Happy 3rd birthday! I hope you stay healthy and well with mommy and daddy!

3. Happy 3rd birthday baby, don't be naughty, be healthy and happy, mom loves you!

4. Every birthday comes with a moment, mommy's wishes never stop! Happy 3rd Birthday yo!

5. Baby, now that you have grown up, your parents are proud of you! Happy 3rd birthday to you!

6. Happy 3rd birthday, I hope you will always be happy and grow up healthy without minor troubles!

7. How old is my baby... 3 years old, always happy and happy, just be by my side forever, happy birthday!

8. Baby, you know what? Mommy's love for you can't be said in just a few words! Happy 3rd birthday to baby!

9. Mom's baby is 3 years old, always healthy and happy, good baby, love you! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

10. After 0:00 is my baby's 3rd birthday, and you are everything to my mother! Happy 3rd birthday to my baby!

11. Today is Xiaobao's 3rd birthday. I wish my baby a happy birthday. Mom and sister will always love you and love you!

12. Little cutie, happy 3rd birthday! When you grow up, you must remember to thank your mother! Hehe, be a filial good baby!

13. My favorite baby, happy birthday, you are a big baby wearing small underwear at the age of 3, so be strong and brave and be your mother's backing!

14. Because of your arrival, this day has become a beautiful day, and the world, from now on, has a touch of alluring colors. Happy 3rd birthday to you!

15. Happy 3rd birthday baby, childhood memories are always short and beautiful, mom wants to leave you more memories, I hope the baby grows up healthy and happy!

16. I wish the baby a happy birthday at the age of 3. The age of 3 is the first turning point in life. I hope the baby can go well and grow up safely and healthily!

17. Mom watched you grow up little by little, and she is also growing up with you. I hope you can be as happy as you are today in the future, baby, happy 3rd birthday!

18. The baby is 3 years old, after the birthday quickly into the terrible 3 years old? I do not know if the mother can suffer it, remember to be good! Happy 3rd birthday to baby!

19. When I rubbed the lamp three times, the lamp god asked me what I wanted to wish for. I said, I want you to help me bless my child and wish him a happy 3rd birthday and happiness forever!

20. In the blink of an eye, the baby is already 3 years old. I wish the baby a happy 3rd birthday. From today onwards, you will be a big baby at the age of 3. With your own independent thoughts, on your birthday, my mother wants to say, I wish you good health and happiness forever. Happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes For 3 Year Old Boy

Birthday Wishes For 3 Year Old Boy

1. Baby is 3 years old! Happy birthday, mommy loves you!

2. I wish to give you the best of what I can, Happy 3rd Birthday!

3. My baby is 3 years old, happy birthday! Mom will always be with you... I love you beyond words!

4. I hope my cute baby is happy every day, Mom and Dad love you very much, baby, happy 3rd birthday!

5. 3 years old! Happy Birthday to you! Thank you for coming into my life and bringing me so much goodness!

6. Child, I hope you will be able to reap extraordinary happiness in your ordinary life! Happy 3rd Birthday!

7. On this brightest of days for you, here's the oldest but freshest of wishes: Happy 3rd Birthday! Grow up fast!

8. Mom only wants the baby to grow up healthy, happy and safe! Baby, mom loves you! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

9. My dear baby: You are the closest person to your mother. Mom wishes you a happy 3rd birthday and happiness forever!

10. I give you a birthday present. It brings you warm love and loving thoughts. Happy 3rd birthday to you! Always happy!

11. Baby is 3 years old, big boy ...... Happy Birthday baby. Mommy wants you to grow up healthy, safe and happy. I love you!

12. Happy 3rd birthday to you, may this day that is entirely yours bring you joy and may the days ahead be icing on the cake!

13. Happy 3rd birthday baby! Safe and healthy is good, the road ahead is long, mom wants you to be brave don't be afraid, step by step!

14. Child, your arrival lights up our lives and gives a whole new meaning to our lives. Be happy in the future too. Happy 3rd Birthday!

15. Although you always make me unhappy, I still want to wish you a happy birthday. Congratulations on your 3-year-old. You are a big child, not a little baby!

16. Happy 3rd birthday! Let me wish you well and let me laugh for you, because on your birthday, my heart is just as joyful and happy as yours! Wishing you, a happy 3rd birthday!

17. Today is your birthday, I wish the baby a happy 3rd birthday! Always happy and happy! This year's gift is that my mother knitted a scarf for you, hoping it will bring you warmth!

18. Happy birthday to the baby! 3 years old! Mom has too little time with you, so she can't hold it for long. I hope my little baby grows up healthy, safe and happy! Mom and Dad love you so much!

19. Today's baby's 3rd birthday, I haven't had time to write down the details of the baby's life, so I've grown up. Mom is here to wish my daughter a happy birthday and a healthy and happy growth!

20. Today is baby's 3rd birthday, in the blink of an eye you've grown from a baby in swaddling clothes to a warm hearted little brother...mom hopes you'll be healthy, happy, happy and safe! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

Birthday Wishes For 3 Year Old Girl

Birthday Wishes For 3 Year Old Girl

1. I wish you a happy 3rd birthday, good health and a happy day!

2. Happy 3rd birthday, baby! No matter how you are mommy is proud of you!

3. 3 years old! Baby, happy birthday! May you always be healthy and happy!

4. Love your magic twirls, at only 3 years old, you are so understanding! Happy Birthday!

5. May true joy embrace you on this special day that belongs to you, Happy 3rd Birthday to my son!

6. Time flies so fast, it's been three years in the blink of an eye, happy birthday to my prince baby!

7. the baby is one year older today. Mommy wishes you a happy 3rd birthday! Grow up healthy and happy!

8. The third birthday candle is about to be lit for you, and everyone will say to you: Happy birthday, baby!

9. Hope our baby will always be healthy and happy. You will always be a treasure to Mom and Dad. Happy 3rd birthday!

10. Son, remember, when you cry, your mom is here for you. Happiness and joy are with you! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

11. If the baby grows up quickly, the mother will not limit the amount of ice cream we can eat! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

12. Happy birthday baby! Today you are already 3 years old, mom found that you suddenly grew up a lot, feel very pleased, I hope you happy every day!

13. Every day of my life is blessed with blessings for you, because I am thinking of you every moment of my life! Sincerely wishing you a very happy 3rd birthday!

14. Time flies, years are long, the world of 3 years old must be beautiful, I hope the children are disease-free and disaster-free! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

15. Baby, what mommy and daddy expect from you is to be a good person and live happily! And I hope you can do these two things in your life! Happy 3rd birthday to baby!

16. Time flies, today is your birthday again, may you have all the beauty today and an even better birthday in the coming year, one year better than the next. happy 3rd birthday!

17. Child, since I have you, my family has been more happy, more concerned, and more busy. All these are thanks to you, mom, thank you. Today is your birthday. Happy 3rd birthday!

18. My baby will be three years old tomorrow, here's wishing for my baby. Wish my little baby grows up healthy and happy, mom and dad love you forever! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

19. It is said that a shooting star can have a wish, if I can I would like to wait under the night sky until a star is touched by me and crosses the starry sky for me to bring my blessing to land on your pillow. happy 3rd birthday!

20. Today is my daughter's 3rd birthday. Tired for three years, but also happy for three years, happy for three years. There is still a long time in the future, Mom and Dad will always love you forever! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

3rd Birthday Wishes For Son From Mom

3rd Birthday Wishes For Son From Mom

1. Mom and Dad's life's pride! Happy 3rd birthday to my baby son!

2. 3 years old, happy birthday, I hope my son is getting better and better!

3. Mom wishes her baby a happy 3rd birthday and wishes her son a healthy and happy growth...!

4. The growth and change of the baby is the greatest comfort for the mother! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

5. Dear son, I will never be lonely because of your mother. It is so nice to have you! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

6. Son, today is your birthday, I wish you a happy growth and smooth sailing in life! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

7. Child, mother did not leave you, mother is hidden in your black eyes. I wish my son a happy 3rd birthday and happy growth!

8. Today is the baby's 3rd birthday! I wish you a healthy and happy growth, mom and dad love you! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

9. Baby, today is your 3rd birthday. When you grow up, you should be more obedient and thrive. Mom loves you! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

10. Son! Mom, thank you for bringing so much joy to our family! Today is your birthday, may you grow up healthy! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

11. Today is your birthday. Mom doesn't want to be too long-winded. She just wants to silently send you blessings! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

12. Today is your 3rd birthday. If you grow up one year old, the baby should be more obedient and thrive. Mom loves you! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

13. Children, remember that when you cry, your mother is here waiting for you. May your every birthday, every day, be happy! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

14. Baby, you are 3 years old, thank you for coming to me three years ago, let us always be good, always happy, always together! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

15. Today, the baby is 3 years old, and it is a big baby. We must learn to be strong and brave, listen to our mother's words, and wish our son a happy 3rd birthday!

16. Baby, thank you for accompanying your mother to grow and mature. Because of you, my mother feels that she is the happiest person in the world! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

17. The 3-year-old son feels that he has grown up in an instant, both obedient and sensible, mainly because he listens to his mother's words in particular. I love you! Happy Birthday!

18. The baby is 3 years old, and all the beauty in the world wants to be given to you. Mom and Dad will always be your most solid backing, healthy and happy! Happy 3rd birthday to my son!

19. Child, after today, you will grow up one year old again. Mom hopes you know how to love life, love everyone and everything around you, and wish your son a happy 3rd birthday! Happy growth!

20. If you are not careful, you will be 3 years old. Happy birthday to my son. In the past, my wish was to wait for you to grow up. Now I suddenly find that you have grown up and are a little reluctant. Unknowingly, the child is already 3 years old. Mom loves you and hopes you can always be so happy!

3rd Birthday Wishes For Daughter From Mom

3rd Birthday Wishes For Daughter From Mom

1. Mommy took these pretty pictures! Happy 3rd birthday to my daughter!

2. 3rd birthday, a birthday full of hope and vitality. Happy birthday to you!

3. Happy 3rd birthday to your daughter, grow up healthy and happy, mommy loves you forever!

4. Daughter 3 years old! Always be a mommy's little baby -! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

5. Happy 3rd birthday daughter! Accompany you on your third birthday, I hope your future birthdays mom will not be absent, with you!

6. Daughter, do you know? The moment you were born, mom felt like the happiest person in the world! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

7. Mommy wants you to be a person who loves life and doesn't have a negative attitude towards it. Happy 3rd birthday to my daughter!

8. Happy 3rd birthday daughter, safe and healthy, yo! Also said mom mom hard work, thanks to come to mom's life! Be happy all the time!

9. Today is my daughter's birthday, 3 years old in the true sense of the word! You are mommy's pride! Forever proud! Happy birthday, baby!

10. Happy 3rd birthday to our lovely baby, I love you, I hope you like what mom has arranged for you throughout the day, happy birthday my daughter!

11. Happy Birthday daughter, mom loves you, baby is 3 years old, now the happiest thing is to watch you grow up day by day, still so cute and cheerful.

12. Daughter, mom wishes you a happy 3rd birthday, love you forever, hope you are a happy happy snacker everywhere, may you be strong and brave and thrive!

13. Mom has three wishes: first, your father's work goes well; second, your family is healthy; third, you grow up quickly! Happy 3rd birthday to my daughter!

14. Happy 3rd birthday daughter, such an important day mom and dad did not accompany you around, so sorry and sad, the little one has grown up, mom loves you!

15. My daughter is 3 years old, she has her own ideas now, she is very clingy to her mom and won't let her leave half a step! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

16. Baby is 3 years old today, send mommy's best wishes to my daughter and thank you for the happy times baby has brought me! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

17. Daughter, happy 3rd birthday, mom is very happy, you have grown up, I will not miss the first half of your life, please do not miss the second half of my life!

18. In these three years, you've made my life more colorful and smiley, mom wants to do more and more for her daughter as you slowly grow up to grow old with me! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

19. Daughter, you have to remember, in the process of your growth, mom and dad will always be with you, and you face difficulties together, together to overcome challenges! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

20. Born, one year old, two years old, three years old, daughter in a few days will be your third birthday, time really goes too fast, your existence makes our little family happy and peaceful, mom and dad love you, overflowing! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

Birthday Wishes For 3 Year Old

Birthday Wishes For 3 Year Old

1. My baby happy birthday! 3 years old is a big child, to happy healthy life!

2. Baby! Your arrival gives me hope for life. Happy 3rd birthday, mommy! Grow up happy!

3. Happy 3rd birthday and many more fun moments to come as you model and I take photos!

4. Happy 3rd Birthday! May every moment of this special day be filled with joy for you!

5. Happy birthday! I am 3 years old today, continue to be a good baby! Mom and Dad love you!

6. Sincere blessings are passed on to you, may you be happy as you always are, Happy 3rd Birthday!

7. Happiness is a birthday blessing, I hope you have a wonderful every moment, Happy 3rd Birthday dear!

8. Every birthday comes with a gift and a blessing, my gift is my heart that grows with you! Happy 3rd birthday!

9. The baby is 3 years old, watching you grow up one year old, my heart is full of joy and happiness. Happy birthday to you!

10. Happy Birthday baby, I don't know you are already 3 years old, mommy loves you 3,000 times, may you be happy and healthy and grow up slowly!

11. The notes of happiness, as a gift to you, may the baby have three hundred and sixty-five beautiful days, heartfelt wishes for you - Happy 3rd Birthday!

12. It's about to be a kindergarten child, and it's time to start your little society. Mom loves you so much, my little sun! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

13. Today is a good day, it is worth celebrating, because with you, our family is perfect, baby! Mom and Dad wish you a happy 3rd birthday! Healthy growth! Wish our family happiness!

14. Happy 3rd birthday, baby! In the future, mommy and daddy will work harder to create a better living environment for you, and we also hope that the baby will be healthy and happy!

15. Baby, happy birthday, turn you are 3 years old, dad and mom's happiest day is to be able to stay by your side to grow up with you, may you grow up healthy and happy in the future...!

16. Baby, today is your birthday, you have to be happy, you have to be happy, parents have prepared beautiful birthday gifts for you at home waiting for you! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

17. Baby, you are so good that you will be able to face and overcome all difficulties and challenges. Mommy and daddy wish you a healthy and happy life as an ordinary person! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

18. Thank you for the happiness and joy that the baby has brought to my mom and dad, I simply can't express my love for you. In the days to come we will definitely spend more time with you, happy birthday my baby, you are 3 years old!

19. Baby, on your 3rd birthday, I wish you peace and happiness and a bright future! Although you still can't understand the meaning of this sentence, I hope my blessings can protect you for life! My dear baby! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

20. Babies look forward to their 3rd birthday every day, and they also want to eat birthday cake! Babies look forward to their birthdays and innocently look forward to growing up, and mommy wants to be a little baby again! Happy 3rd birthday to the baby!

Summary :

In this “Birthday Wishes For 3rd Birthday From Mom” article, an unforgettable birthday celebration, a sincere birthday wishes, to give the baby a wonderful memory. Each blessing is a mother's sincere love for her child and her wishes for a bright future for her child. Finally, let's wish every lovely baby a happy third birthday, and wish the baby can grow up carefree, safe and healthy, and keep this rare childish innocence in the future journey of life.